Wednesday, October 14, 2015


October 14, 2015

There’s nothing much I can write today except to say that I was literally buried under tons of paperwork, and more are still coming tomorrow, hence, the poster below to show my relief and exasperation.  I know the rewards will be commensurate though, as my officemates had a chance to attend some very important training (even if I wasn’t included in the participants for the 4-day seminar).  At least tomorrow, I’ll be able to have the chance to speak as resource person for a few hours.

Wouldn’t it be nice if every day is seminar day?  However, for every hour of seminar time, one is expected to put in hundreds of hours of work.  Much as it is mirrored in personal life, there are only moments of learning and realization, while the rest of our waking and sleeping hours are spent living with the consequences of that realization.  Hopefully, every time we come to those moments, we will emerge as better and stronger people after.

Who says it would be paper-less in the 21st century?  If we really want to live and work with transparency and accountability, paper is more reliable and accessible than the Cloud.  It also costs lesser to maintain than the security risks inherent in Big Data, not to mention termite control solutions are cheaper than antivirus software.

So, bring on the papers and let’s get ready to rumble.

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